If there is one experience that is guaranteed to have you feeling just like a bird in flight, it’s hang gliding! Aerotow tandem hang gliding occurs over each winter season at Glenorchy, not far from Queenstown. You will experience magical mountain scenery, snowy vistas, picturesque lakes, and trees lined up in serried ranks in a number of National Parks – you will never forget your wonderful aerial adventure. Aerotow is not limited to any heights for take-off, and sharing the ride with an experienced guide will ensure your comfort and safety. In summer, the vistas afforded by Skytrek hang gliding will open you up to primeval rock formations, twisted rivers swollen by ice-melt and gorgeous farmland. You will be exhilarated, amazed and refreshed by all that you see, feel and smell as you coast, dive or swoop above scenery filmed for epic movies, such as The Lord of the Rings.
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