Contact us
New Zealand Holiday Activities - Contact us
We're here 9am - 7pm (NZ time) 7 days a week to answer your questions. It is currently 1:47am in NZ.
Having trouble deciding what to do?
Simply fill out your personal details and enquiry below. Be sure to give us as much information as possible regarding your activities requirements so we can get back to you with an informed response. If you contact us between 9am and 7pm (NZ time) we will endeavour to respond within 1 hour. If you email outside of these times we will respond as soon as we re-open the following day.
Alternatively, you can speak with one of our knowledgeable customer service representatives during business hours by using the Live Chat button found at the bottom right of your screen or by calling us on the phone.
You can contact us in the following ways:
- Email us at
- Fill out the form below
- Live Chat & receive an instant answer (click on icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen)
- Phone: 03 442 5877 (from overseas dial +64 3 442 5877)
- WhatsApp: +64 21 162 2758
Contact form
Contact form Fields marked with a • are mandatory.
93% of new customers that used Everything New Zealand to provide advice and securely book their NZ activities have let us know they've had a good or excellent experience with us. Thank you.