Rotorua is perhaps best-known for its abundant natural hot springs and geysers, but this North Island town also has an impressive offering of adventure-packed activities for visitors and locals alike. So why not try your hand at bungy jumping in Rotorua while you’re in town? Learn more about our tour options and book your next excursion today with Everything New Zealand.
Whether you’re trying bungy jumping for the first time or you’re a seasoned veteran, Velocity Valley (formerly Agroventures) is an ideal destination. Not only can you complete a terror-inducing bungy jump here, but you can also try out their other action-packed attractions.
Feel the Thrill of a Velocity Valley Bungy Jump
Located just 10km outside of Rotorua city centre, Velocity Valley is an adventure park designed for the world’s biggest daredevils. One of the top attractions at the park is the Rotorua Bungy.
On this bungy trip, you will first ascend to a height of 43 metres above the earth’s surface. Before you take the leap of a lifetime, spend a minute admiring the serenity of surrounding areas including Lake Rotorua and Mokoia Island. Observe how everything beneath you seems calm and quiet - all while your heart is racing and your stomach is doing somersaults.
Quickly gain your composure and summon the strength to bungy jump Rotorua. Feel the indescribable rush of freefalling through the air while you gasp for breath and your heart beats out of your chest. Hold on to this feeling as long as you can, because it will be over much quicker than you anticipated.
Before you return to solid ground, you will hit the surface of the glistening Ngongotaha Stream for a well-deserved dip. Soak up the adrenaline before heading back to meet your family and friends and show them your congratulatory certificate of completion.
The Rotorua Bungy at Velocity Valley runs all day between 9 am and 5 pm. You have the option of doing a solo or tandem jump, so be sure to bring a friend if you’re nervous about leaping alone.
Get More Out of Your Trip to Velocity Valley
If a 43-metre bungy jump wasn’t enough to excite you, take a peek at the additional activities at Velocity Valley. With the Velocity Valley Activity Combos, you can mix and match up to five activities to design your perfect day out at the adventure park.
For instance, the Rotorua bungy swing (called the “Swoop”) is another attraction that’s designed for genuine adventure enthusiasts. On the Swoop, you and two friends will load yourselves into the hang gliding harness before you’re pulled up 40 metres above the ground. From there, it’s time for you (or a much braver companion) to pull the ripcord. Once you’ve released the cord, you will careen wildly through the air at speeds of up to 130kph, screaming and smiling to your heart’s content.
In addition to the Rotorua Bungy and the Swoop, you will also find other unique attractions including the Agrojet (jet boating), the Shweeb (described as a “bicycle in a bubble”) and the Freefall Xtreme (body flying).
Velocity Valley is just 10km from Rotorua, and visitors will need to drive themselves or travel via the local bus that departs every 10 minutes. The park is open every day between 9 am and 5 pm, so you will have plenty of time to try as many activities as your heart desires.
Whether you’re an adventure lover or just curious about bungy jumping in Rotorua, you’ll find a trip for you. Explore the complete listing of activities and book yours today with Everything New Zealand.